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5 Most Common Types Of Discrimination In The Workplace

Despite being illegal for decades thanks to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, workplace discrimination is still prevalent throughout the workforce in almost every industry. This constant problem affects everyone, from the youngest workers right up to top professionals at larger companies. What’s more, many people don’t even realize they are experiencing an instance of discrimination until it is too late – by which point a hostile work environment has already formed.

If you or a coworker experience any of these behaviors or are treated differently based on protected characteristics, please call the New York City law office of Levine & Blit at (212) 967-3000. 

There are various kinds of discrimination that employees face within their workplaces. Unfortunately, it can impact your career and your ability to be productive if you aren’t prepared to handle it. This article discusses five common types of unlawful discrimination that employees may encounter in the workplace.

Types Of Discrimination In The Workplace

Racial Discrimination

Racial discrimination occurs when someone makes decisions based on race instead of merit or when someone is harassed because of their race. For example, when one job candidate is equally qualified as another, but the other person gets the job because of their race. An employer might also choose to not promote someone out of fear or ignorance or only offer training opportunities to employees of a certain race. When faced with racism in the workplace, it is important to report it immediately to take action quickly.

Sex Discrimination / Gender Discrimination

This refers to making decisions regarding employment opportunities based on an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. It often means favoring men over women or vice versa. Another form of gender discrimination includes giving unequal pay increases to male and female employees. Sexual harassment of any sort falls under sex discrimination as well.

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination can refer to hiring or promoting individuals based solely on their age. There is evidence that older workers might get laid off over younger workers because they are more expensive in many cases.

National Origin Discrimination

With this kind of discrimination, an employee faces decisions being made based on their national origin. This individual might experience harassment because of things like language barriers, culture clashes, and accents. A lot of times, an immigration status also impacts an individual’s ability to succeed at work. It may lead to unfair treatment within the workplace.

Religious Discrimination

When an employer makes employment decisions based on religion or creates a workplace atmosphere that promotes a certain religion or penalizes those who practice a different religion. This type of discrimination might involve refusing to give the time off needed to perform religious observances, giving preferential treatment to a particular faith group, or prohibiting clothing associated with a faith.

Hire Your Local New York City Lawyer

If you are facing any kind of discrimination in the workplace, make sure to keep good records of any incidents. You will need them to prove your claims to HR and your lawyer later. Ensure that all your work history and performance reviews are available if you believe you were unfairly passed over for a raise or promotion or were wrongfully terminated. It’s best to bring a lawyer into the equation to protect your rights and guide you to a satisfactory outcome.

At Levine & Blit, we understand the complexities of employment law. Our lawyers have decades of combined experience fighting for hard-won rights. If you believe you are a victim of employment discrimination, call us today at (212) 967-3000.

Our lawyers provide compassionate representation from start to finish. Schedule a free evaluation to learn more about what we do to help you gain closure for any injustices encountered.

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