Free Case Evaluation

Work Attorney Free Case Evaluation – What to Expect!

Work Attorney Free evaluation

“Call us for a Free Case Evaluation,” you must come across this either on the internet, TV, or even on billboards since most attorneys offer free initial Evaluation.

But what does the Free Case Evaluation include, and how is it beneficial for your case? Is it really free, or do you have to pay a charge for the consultation? There’ll be numerous questions like this going on in your mind, so we decided to help you understand the concept of “Free Case Evaluation with an attorney.”

Here’s what you can expect from the Free Case Evaluation with a work attorney in New York and how you can prepare yourself for it.

Work Attorney Free evaluation

What is a Free Case Evaluation?

A Free Case Evaluation with a work attorney is a chance for you to discuss your employment-related concerns and questions with a legal professional.

The purpose of the consultation is to provide you with a better understanding of your legal rights and options, as well as to get a sense of the attorney’s knowledge and experience in the area of employment law.

Attorneys usually do not charge anything for this “initial” consultation, which is why it’s termed “free.”

How is Free Case Evaluation Different From Paid Legal Consultation?

Yes, you’ll be speaking with the same attorneys, but there are significant differences between free and paid legal consultations. It’s important to understand the difference to decide if you should book a free or paid consultation.


The purpose of a Free Case Evaluation is to provide you with an opportunity to ask questions and receive basic information about your legal rights and options. During a Free Case Evaluation, you will have the opportunity to ask general questions about your case and get a general understanding of what to expect.

On the other hand, the purpose of a paid legal consultation is to receive more in-depth and comprehensive legal advice. During a paid consultation, the attorney will review your case in more detail, provide specific recommendations, and answer more complex questions.

Length of Time

Free Case Evaluation are typically shorter in duration, lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. The attorney may provide basic information about your case and answer general questions, but the conversation will be limited in scope.

While paid consultations can last for several hours, allowing for a more detailed discussion of your case and the attorney’s recommendations.

Level of Detail

During a Free Case Evaluation, the attorney will provide general information about your case and answer basic questions. However, the lawyers may not go into great detail about the specifics of your case or provide specific recommendations.

When you choose paid consultation, the attorney will provide a more detailed analysis of your case, including specific recommendations and an explanation of the legal process. You will receive a more comprehensive understanding of your legal rights and options and a better idea of what to expect from your case.

Next Steps

After a Free Case Evaluation, you may continue working with the attorney or seek additional legal counsel. You will better understand your legal rights and options, but the conversation will not be as detailed as a paid consultation.

While after paid consultation, you will have a more comprehensive understanding of your legal rights, including specific recommendations and a clear understanding of the outcome of the case.

You may choose to continue working with the attorney or find another labor lawyer in New York, but you will have a clear idea of what steps to take next.

How to Book a Free Case Evaluation with a New York Attorney

Every law firm has a different process, some keep it simple, while some firms have a slightly complicated process to ensure only genuine people approach them for the consultation.

At Levine & Blit, we have kept the process straightforward, and you can quickly book a Free Case Evaluation with our expert work attorneys.

Make a Call

To schedule your appointment for a Free Case Evaluation, you can call us at 866-351-0116. Tell our representatives more about your case, and we’ll connect you with our expert lawyers.

Schedule an Appointment Online

If you are too occupied even to spare 5 minutes on a call, you can use our website to book a Free Case Evaluation. Fill out the form, provide us with all the required details, and we’ll confirm the initial consultation.

What Happens During a Free Case Evaluation with a New York Labor Relations Lawyer?

Unlike its name, a Free Case Evaluation gives you the opportunity to speak to a lawyer about your case while you can understand the legal process. Moreover, attorneys also tell you about how they charge, and you can ask questions regarding the case.

Here’s what you can expect from this initial consultation.

Introduction and Background Information

The attorney will typically start the consultation by introducing themselves and asking you to provide some background information about your case. This may include details about your current employment situation, relevant documents or evidence, and the specific issues you face.

The attorney will also ask you to provide any relevant details about your employment history, including your job title, responsibilities, and length of service. This information will help the attorney gain a better understanding of your case and provide you with more informed advice.

Assessment of Your Case

Based on the information you provide, the attorney will provide you with a preliminary assessment of your case. They will explain the strengths and weaknesses of your claims, including any potential hurdles you may face in court.

The legal professionals will also help you understand your rights and options, including the possibility of negotiating a settlement, filing a complaint with a government agency, or taking your case to court.

Discussion of Your Goals

Next, the lawyers will ask you about your goals and what you hope to achieve through legal action. With this information, the attorneys understand what is important to you and guide their advice accordingly.

For example, if you are seeking compensation for lost wages, the attorney will advise you on the best ways to pursue that goal. If you are seeking to regain your job, the attorney will advise you on the best ways to achieve that outcome.

Explanation of the Legal Process

The attorney will explain the steps you will need to take if you choose to take the legal action, including the potential outcomes and any risks involved. They may also discuss the potential time frame for your case and what you can expect in terms of legal fees and costs.

Additionally, the attorney may discuss alternative dispute resolution options, such as mediation or arbitration, and explain the pros and cons of each approach.

Answer to Questions

After explaining the basics of the case, the lawyers will answer any questions you have about your case and provide you with additional information as needed. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you have about the legal process, including the likelihood of success, the potential outcomes of your case, and any potential challenges you may face.

Furthermore, this is a chance for you to get to know the attorney and determine if you feel comfortable working with them.

Explanation of How the Attorney Charges for the Case

Finally, during the Free Case Evaluation, the attorney may discuss their fee structure and how they will charge for your case. There are several different ways that employment attorneys in New York charge for their services, including:

Hourly Rate

In this model, the attorney charges you a set hourly rate for the time spent on your case. This fee structure is common for cases that require a lot of time and resources, such as complex lawsuits.

Contingency Fee 

Attorneys that work on a contingency basis only receives payment if they win or settle your case. The fee is a percentage of the settlement or award and is typically higher than an hourly rate.

Flat Fee 

Some attorneys charge a fixed fee for their services, regardless of the amount of time or resources they spend on your case. You can expect this fee structure for simple cases or for cases where the outcome is clear.

The initial consultation is very important for you and the attorneys, so you can expect all of this to happen. Sometimes, the Free Case Evaluation doesn’t end in one discussion, and the attorney might give you another appointment, depending on the complexity of the case.

Want to book a Free Case Evaluation appointment for your case? Call 866-351-0116 and discuss your case for free with Levine and Blit- the best labor lawyers in New York

How to Prepare for a Free Case Evaluation with a Labor Attorney

The initial consultation will give you an idea of how the attorney will handle the case and the outcome you can expect while you get an opportunity to explore the legal options you have.

Thus, it’s important to be prepared for the discussion. Since it’ll be a Free Case Evaluation, you’ll only get limited time with the lawyers, so make sure to use it effectively.

Here are some tips to help you get prepared for the consultation.

Reach the Attorney’s Office on Time

Free Case Evaluation with labor attorneys usually have a fixed timeframe, so make sure to reach their office on time. This way, you can make use of the complete time window and discuss your case with the lawyers.

Set a reminder on your phone, or note the date and time down in your diary to ensure you don’t miss the free opportunity.

Gather Relevant Documents

While it’s not necessary to gather documents for the initial consultation, you can still collect any relevant documents that pertain to your case. These may include your employment contract, pay stubs, employment contracts, performance evaluations, and any other documentation related to your employment situation.

Well, the attorneys won’t address the merits and demerits of the documents during the Free Case Evaluation, you can reasonably ask them about the range of options you should expect.

Make sure to carry identification documents so that the attorneys can verify your identity.

Make a List of Questions

Before your consultation, prepare a list of questions to ask the New York city labor attorney. This may include questions about the strength of your case, the legal process, and any potential risks or challenges you may face.

Additionally, you may want to ask about the attorney’s experience in labor law and their approach to handling cases like yours.

Be Honest and Clear about Your Goals

Be clear and honest with the attorney about your goals and what you hope to achieve through legal action. When you provide every detail with transparency, it helps the attorney understand the details and your expectations from the case.

For example, if you are seeking compensation for lost wages or you were not paid at least minimum wage, unpaid wages, and overtime pay the attorney will advise you on the best ways to achieve that goal.

Be Prepared to Discuss Your Employment History

Prepare yourself to discuss your employment history, including your job title, responsibilities, and length of service. With this information, the lawyers gain a better understanding of your case and provide you with more informed advice.

Consider Your Budget

Consider your budget and be honest with the attorney about your financial situation, so that they can understand your constraints and advise you accordingly.

Additionally, be sure to ask the attorney about their fee structure and what you can expect in terms of legal fees and costs.

By following these tips, you will be well-prepared for your Free Case Evaluation with a labor attorney in New York. Make sure to understand how the attorneys charge to get a better idea of the overall process. 

What Questions Can You Ask an Attorney During a Free Case Evaluation?

Work Attorney Free evaluation

It’s often said that you shouldn’t hesitate to ask attorneys questions during the Free Case Evaluation, most people wonder what questions they can ask.

Since this will be a Free Case Evaluation, the attorneys won’t address everything pertaining to your case. Here are some questions you can expect the attorneys to answer during the initial consultation.

Question 1: What is your experience in state and federal law?

It is important to ask the attorney about their experience in New York labor laws because it helps you determine the attorney’s level of expertise and experience in handling cases like yours.

You want should work with an attorney who has a proven track record of success in New York State labor law and a deep understanding of the relevant wage and hour laws and regulations.

Question 2: Can you give me an overview of the legal process for my type of case?

This question will give you a better understanding of the steps involved in pursuing a labor-related legal case. For example, the attorney may explain the process of filing a complaint, negotiating with your employer, and going to state and federal courts or administrative agencies if necessary.

Understanding the legal process will help you prepare for what’s to come and feel more confident in your decision to take a legal action.

Question 3: What kind of compensation can I realistically expect from this case?

By asking this question, you can determine what you can achieve through legal action. For example, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, back pay, or damages for emotional distress.

Knowing the potential compensation, you can receive will help you make an informed decision about taking the case further or during the negotiation phase.

Question 4: What’s the statute of limitations for my case?

Every case is different, and so is the statute of limitations. Ask the attorneys about the statute of limitations to know how much time you have to file a complaint.

Question 5: How will you keep me informed about the progress of my case?

It’s essential to understand the attorney’s communication style and ensure that you are kept informed about the progress of your case. For example, the attorney may explain how they will keep you informed through regular phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings.

You can even tell them the best way to reach you if the New York employment lawyers need to urgently talk to you about the case.

Question 6: What are my case’s potential risks and challenges?

Well, it depends on whether the attorney wants to answer this question or not since it’ll take the professionals some time to understand the complexities of your case.

This question will help you learn about any potential obstacles you may face in pursuing your case. The attorneys may explain the risk of a lengthy legal process, the possibility of not winning the case, or the potential for negative publicity.

The Free Case Evaluation is all about determining how well the labor attorney understands your case and their communication style. Make a list of these questions, and you can ask them to the lawyer after they go through the details related to your case. 

Want to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with Labor Lawyers in New York? Contact Levine & Blit

At Levine & Blit, we make sure that you make the most out of the Free Case Evaluation, and our attorneys help you with everything you need to understand about the case. Our attorneys answer your questions, and you can expect unbiased guidance.

Call us at 866-351-0116 for a Free Case Evaluation, or you can fill out this form to book your appointment.

Contact Levine & Blit, PLLC

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